Monday, January 12, 2015

R.I.P. Daily Digest News... at least as I knew it

Last month, I got switched from writing for Daily Digest back to writing for Science Recorder.

by John Tyburski
Copyright © John Tyburski. All rights reserved.

It looks like the end has come for Daily Digest. The end, at least, for what I knew Daily Digest as. Could be that KPR Media, the site's owner, has plans for DD. Could also be that the company sold DD. I don't know--I'm not privy to that kind of information. All I know is that I had a fairly good run at DD, authoring a total of 266 articles during my fairly brief tenure. I am still with KPR Media and writing for its Science Recorder site. Check out and consider subscribing. The cost of an annual subscription is extremely modest--just $5.

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