Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Top-ranking Area 51 scientist films testimonial on alien encounters

Before his death, Boyd Bushman, a respected scientist who worked at Area 51, created a video in which he details alien life here on Earth.

by John Tyburski
Copyright © Daily Digest News, KPR Media, LLC. All rights reserved.

They would probably be dismissed as the ramblings of an elderly man who was simply “off the reservation,” but the claims made by Boyd Bushman in a recently published video are giving viewers pause. Why? Because Bushman was no obscure cook. The late Boyd Bushman was a scientist at Area 51 and held high positions with a variety of aerospace firms including Lockheed Martin and Hughes Aircraft.

In the video made on August 7 and released last week, Bushman takes viewers through a series of photographs of what appear to be alien life forms and UFOs. He implicates the U.S. government in secrets relating to UFOs and aliens being kept from the public. Bushman alleged that there are a handful of aliens residing on earth, even holding federal jobs.

Bizarre as the claims sound, Bushman insists in the video that the time it takes for aliens to travel from their planet, called Quinumnia, to earth is approximately 45 minutes. He explains that there are two types of aliens in a kind of “cattle ranch” arrangement. One group is more friendly with humans and behave like cattle wranglers. The other group act more like cattle rustlers.

Bushman described the aliens as four and a half to five feet tall with cartilage skeletons, three vertebral columns, and appendages very similar to those of human beings. He claims to have had contact with some aliens as old as 230 years.

Bushman’s well-respected career in aerospace research gives pause to those who would normally dismiss these kinds of claims out-of-hand. Alejandro Rojas of Open Minds wrote that Bushman may have been “delusional,” but the motive for concocting such a crazy story is difficult to imagine.

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